Saturday, 10 December 2016

My Stress busters

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France

A year back, we had more number of pets than family members. I used to wake up on loud squawks of Lucky (my parrot) along with Jimmy (my dog) barking and humping on couch. I had a big fish tank in my living room, home for my cute red flower horn Lily and a small bowl besides the fish tank was home for my little turtle Cookie. Few months back, I lost three amongst these family members of mine. Now, the big fish tank is home for our new member: Peter (flower horn).

So now my morning begins with Jimmy barking and humping on couch and Peter plunging in the water. These two enduring creatures are my family members. I call them family because they feel me. When I return from college or work, a glance at them and all my weariness disappears. It might sound weird but I share an emotional connect with Peter. I just feel him and I keep playing with him. Flower horns are bright colored and have peculiar head. Peter is pink red grey colored and has a little growing hump.  If anyone has ever owned a flower horn will know how appealing and sharp-witted they are. When you move your finger on the fish tank glass they start following your motion and are very bright and rapid.

Whenever I feel low or alone, I spend my time with Peter. I believe he has some mood boasting powers. Like a good human friend, I feel he tries to understand what I’m thinking and feeling. Down there somewhere in my heart I feel someone cares about me and this connection makes me feel special. The companionship of a pet can also ease loneliness, depression, anxiety and can improve many health issues.

I would strongly recommend all my readers to adopt animals. You just share love once with them and they won’t forget that affection for rest of their lives.

If you have a pet, you're never alone.

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