Thursday, 8 December 2016

Being You!

As every coin have 2 sides: Heads and tails, humans also have 2 sides: One which they share with the outside world and other one which they hide from the world. Every person you meet the other day hides his real self behind a MASK. It could be fear of acceptance that a person disguises himself into a personality which the outside world demands from him.

Taylor Swift quoted 'You’re lucky enough to be different, never change' the most important thing is stop comparing yourself with others and if you really want to compare yourself with something, then see how you were yesterday and what new flavors you can add today to make yourself happy. You are unique and don’t change yourself for someone else, change if you want to. Now, when I look behind and see myself a year back I realise how insane I was to compare my success with someone else’s and ruin the happiness. Impersonating the way people wanted me to be. Today, things have changed I care about myself more than what people think. I do things that make me happy. I accompany those who don't burden me with their expectations. I feel contented now and this is the best I could ever do for myself.

Why shy? Why fear? Why think about others? Just be you and enjoy the life your way. Don't care about whose judging you. Don't care about what impression you make. Just throw that mask away and BE YOU! Being you is really difficult but, once you love that feeling of being who you really are makes you the best person you could ever be. It’s all about discovering yourself and doing things that bring smile on your face.
Being me makes me a happy person!

source: image-

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